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Work Packages

Work Package 1 - Management

Work Package 2 - Preconception and transgenerational risk factors

Work Package 3 - Lung function growth and submaximal lung function attainment in children

Work Package 4 - Lung  function decline

Work Package 5 - Change in DNA methylation and lung function

Work Package 6 - Integration and translation

Work Package 7 - Dissemination


ALEC is led by Professor Debbie Jarvis, from the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London.


To deliver this work stream, ALEC has 7 work packages, one workpackage related to study management, and one workpackage related to dissemination. Three work packages are for risk factor identification each concentrating on a particular phase of life – pre-conception and transgenerational, childhood and adulthood.   One workpackage, will be responsible for generation of new data from two cohorts (ECRHS and SAPALDIA) on change in DNA methylation (DNAm), and for overall and targetted analyses on changes in DNAm with age, disease evolution, and exposures to specific risk factors from all cohorts. One workpackage is responsible for ‘Integration and Translation’ of findings into a predictive risk score for COPD. 

ALEC Study Work Package Structure
Work Package Structure and Leaders


WP1 - Professor Debbie Jarvis (Imperial College London)

WP2 - Professor Cecilie Svanes (University of Bergen)

WP3 - Professor John Henderson (University of Bristol)

WP4 - Dr Judith Garcia Aymerich (CREAL Barcelona)

WP5 - Professor Nicole Probst-Hensch (Swiss TPH Basel)

WP6 - Dr Cosetta Minelli (Imperial College London)

WP7 - Professor Debbie Jarvis (Imperial College London)

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